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Appreciation is a key element in human life

Appreciation is a key element in human life

By Pastor Oloruntimilehin Joshua Daramola

The importance of appreciation cannot be over-emphasized. It is imperative that people should always show appreciation to person(s) that do any manner of goodness or kindness to them.

In expressing the importance of appreciation, I want to look at it from three perspectives firstly God secondly Parent thirdly Others. God has been faithful and kind since we were in our mothers’ wombs; He provided everything required to survive in the womb. Eventually, we were born and started to grow into manhood, we have been able to walk, eat, see and do many things ourselves without a problem. In fact, God gave us the gift of life, joy of life and particularly the miracle of sleeping in the night and waking up the next day hale and hearty.

Therefore, we need to appreciate HIM for all He has done for us till date. Imagine there some people who do not experience all these goodnesses, so we need to thank God and appreciate Him. Anyone that fails to appreciate God is nothing. Appreciation of God’s goodness and kindness brings about more goodness and success for you.

Even Jesus Christ always thanking and appreciating God. He demonstrated this when he was about to raise Lazarus from death John 11 verse 41 – 42”….Father, I thank you that you have heard me. And I know that you always hear me….” Brethren cast your mind back on uncountable goodness God has done in your life so that you can appreciate Him. If anyone fails to appreciate God will not appreciate that person.

It is a known fact we all came into this world through our parents by the authority of God. Our mothers carried our pregnancies in their wombs for good nine months.

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After birth, they nursed and nurtured us from infancy to adulthood. Our mothers were caring for us during our growing days. Therefore, we need to cast our mind back to the experiences our mothers encountered in course of bringing us to adulthood.

Let us always thank and appreciate our mothers. In the same vein our fathers need to be appreciated, if not for them we would not have come to this world. Our fathers did show us fatherly care, responsible for our education, thought us to be respected and responsible persons today.

Whatever status, position we attain today, our fathers were instrumental to the attainment. So we need to be appreciating them always for being up to their responsibilities. Let us respect and honour our parents for their tremendous impact on our life.

Because the Bible says in Ephesians 6 verses 2 – 3 “ honour your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you and you may live long on this earth” Similarly parents should appreciate their children for any goodness they do for them. Parents’ expectations should not be too much. To be appreciative is a gift from God.

Husbands and wives should be appreciative of one and other. No matter what the prevailing situation is in your home. Remember when your spouse did something good to you when you were dating or in your early marriage. Do not always nag or complain about your spouse or find fault in him or her. Anyone fond of complaining or finding fault in his or her spouse loses his or her dignity.

The spirit of love that was established during your courtship or early marriage should be maintained in your marriage life. Appreciating one and others facilitate the reigning of peace in your home. Tolerate the shortcomings of your spouse so that a happy can be established.

The Bible says in Ephesians 5 : 28 – 29 “ So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself…” Also, I implore all siblings of the parents to be appreciative of themselves This is to make the spirit of love in the family to wax stronger. Finally let us appreciate other people like our friends, neighbours, pastors, colleagues in workplace.

All manners of people who have one way or the other done something good to us should be appreciated. Also those that gave us advice positively should be appreciated. I t is imperative to remember that Jesus emphatically stressed the importance of appreciation when he healed 10 lepers ( Luke 17 : 12 – 19) Brethren embrace the spirit of appreciation so that more goodness and success can come our way.

Vanguard Nigeria News

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by David O Royal via Vanguard News Best Known Member of the Cabinet Wikipedia


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